Getting Started with Types
Haskell is a statically typed language, and a great deal of the benefit of Haskell, and the innovation that it brings to practical programming, is the power and expressiveness of its type system. Working with the type system is the best, and often only, way to write programs in Haskell.
In this chapter you’ll learn about some of Haskell’s popular built in types, and how to create types made up of other types, like lists of numbers. You’ll also learn how to create type annotations, how to read type errors, and how to use ghci to inspect types interactively.
After you’ve read this chapter you’ll be able to specify the types for values and functions and be able to work with the compiler to troubleshoot problems with your program that the type system can help you identify.
In the next chapter you’ll learn how to define your own types and use them in your programs.
Consider a function that takes 3 integers but hasn’t been defined:
addThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
There are several different ways that you could write a function like this. For example here are two possible definitions:
-- definition 1
= undefined
-- definition 2
= undefined addThree a b c
There are many other ways we could use undefined to write a version of
that type checks. Why are there so many different versions?
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Think about all of the ways that you can η-reduce (eta-reduce) your code when
the definition of the function is undefined
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You can also use undefined
multiple times.
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There are four obvious ways that we might write this function using undefined:
-- With all three arguments bound to variables
= undefined
addThree a b c
-- With the first two arguments bound to variables
= undefined
addThree a b
-- With the first argument bound to a variable
= undefined
addThree a
-- With no arguments bound to a variable
= undefined addThree
All of these implementations assume that we’re replacing the entire body of
with undefined
, but we can replace individual parts of the body as
well. For example, we might create a function called op
that represents some
binary operation that will eventually be defined as (+)
but for now we leave
it undefined
addThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
= op a (op b c)
addThree a b c where
op :: Int -> Int -> Int
= undefined op
Or, we could write a pointfree version of this function, with the undefined
= (undefined .) . undefined addThree
Be careful though! We can also use undefined
to write functions that compile,
but won’t really make sense if we try to define the undefined expressions. For
example, we could write:
addThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
= undefined . undefined addThree
Although this will compile, there isn’t a reasonable definition we could provide
for undefined
that would do what we want.
. We can address that by factoring the use of undefined
out into a
function and giving it an explicit type annotation, as we did in our earlier
example using op
addThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
= op . op
addThree where
op :: Int -> Int -> Int
= undefined op
Now if we try to compile our program, we’ll get a useful error message:
:4:12-13: error: …
Undefined.hsCouldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Int -> Int’
• Expected: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
Actual: Int -> Int -> Int
In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘op’
• In the expression: op . op
In an equation for ‘addThree’:
addThree= op . op
op :: Int -> Int -> Int
= undefined
op |
:4:17-18: error: …
Undefined.hsCouldn't match type ‘Int -> Int’ with ‘Int’
• Expected: Int -> Int
Actual: Int -> Int -> Int
Probable cause: ‘op’ is applied to too few arguments
• In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘op’
In the expression: op . op
In an equation for ‘addThree’:
addThree= op . op
op :: Int -> Int -> Int
= undefined
op |
Compilation failed.
This gets to the heart of the question “why are there so many different ways to
define an expression using undefined”. Since undefined
can be used anywhere,
for an expression of any type, it’s extremely flexible. You can use undefined
almost anywhere, to fill in for almost anything, even things that wouldn’t ever
make sense with real code. That’s one of the drawbacks of this technique. When
you allow the compiler to infer the type of undefined, you may find that you’re
getting a false sense of security when your program compiles. It’s useful
frequently enough that you shouldn’t necessarily avoid it altogether, but beware
of the drawbacks.
Understanding Functions By Their Type
The behavior of the following functions from base can be easily predicted based
on their type. Review the type of each of these functions and try to guess at
how they are implemented. Use ghci
to see if you were right. Are there other
ways you could have implemented them? Why or why not?
Data.Tuple.swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
id :: a -> a
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Remember that, without any other information, you can’t create a value for a
general polymorphic type like a
or b
since you don’t know what type of value
you should create.
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The swap
function has a straightforward implementation that closely resembles
it’s type. Let’s start by taking a look at the simplest implementation:
swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
= (b,a) swap (a,b)
In the exercise, you were asked to consider whether or not there were other ways
you could have implemented swap
. It’s trivially true to write this function
using different code. For example, we can use fst
and snd
instead of pattern
matching, or use let
swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap input let
= snd input
newFirstElem = fst input
newSecondElem in (newFirstElem, newSecondElem)
The question then is: are these two implementations really different? They are
obviously implemented in different ways, but in Haskell we prefer to reason
about functions based on their inputs and outputs. This newer version of swap
doesn’t change the behavior compared to our original implementation, so for
the sake of this exercise, and for the sake of discussion in most cases, we’d
say these are the same function.
The next question then is, can we write a version of swap
that behaves
differently? The answer is no, not really. We could make a version of the
function that crashes, or enters some infinite recursion and never returns a
value, but those errors wouldn’t arise naturally from any of the obvious
implementations, so we’ll ignore them for now.
If you stop to think about it, you can start to understand why. The input to
is a tuple that contains two values with types a
and b
. We have to
return a tuple with two values, whose types are b
and a
. We can’t return the
tuple elements in their original order, or ignore one element and duplicate the
other, since a
and b
are different types. We have to return one of each, and
in the correct order. Since a
and b
could be anything, we can’t create a new
value for them (what value would we create?). The only way to return a value of
type a
is to use the one that was given to us. Same for values of type b
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Like swap
, there’s an obvious definition of concat
that we can start
with. Since concat
is part of Prelude
if you are following along you’ll need
to either name your function something else, like myConcat
, or you’ll need to
add this to the top of your source file, after the module
import Prelude hiding (concat)
The first place your mind might go when writing concat
is a manually recursive
version of the function:
concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat [] = []
concat (x:xs) = x <> concat xs
Alternatively, you might choose to use foldr
to write your version:
concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat = foldr (<>) []
Just like with swap
, these two versions of concat
will behave the same way,
so we’ll say that for our purposes, they are the same function. Unlike with
, there are also several other definitions of concat
that would
typecheck, but could return very different results. Let’s look at a couple of
One easy alternative would be to ignore our input and always return an empty list:
concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat _ = []
Since lists can be empty, we can construct a value of type [a]
without needing
to be able to create an arbitrary value of type a
. Similarly, there are some
operations we can do on lists that we can’t do on arbitrary values of type
. For example, we can write a version of concat
that returns the first
concatReturnFirst :: [[a]] -> [a]
= []
concatReturnFirst [] :_) = x concatReturnFirst (x
There are some other choices available to us as well, like returning the concatenated list backwards, or returning the longest sublist:
concatReverse :: [[a]] -> [a]
= reverse . foldr (<>) []
concatLongest :: [[a]] -> [a]
= foldr getLongest []
concatLongest where
getLongest subList currentLongest| length subList > length currentLongest = subList
| otherwise = currentLongest
All of these examples return substantially different values than the original
, even though they have the same type. There’s a more subtle type of
difference that we should also consider. In the last part of this exercise we
looked at swap
and noted that we could have written a version of swap
simply crashed or never returned a value. At the time, we didn’t bother to think
about that much, since it was unlikely that we’d run into the problem. With
it’s much more likely. For example, imagine that we implemented
using foldl
concatFoldl :: [[a]] -> [a]
= foldl (<>) [] concatFoldl
For finite lists, this will work exactly the same as our foldr
concat [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
λ 1,2,3,4,5,6]
λ concatFoldl [[1,2,3,4,5,6] [
If we’re working with infinite lists though, only the foldr
based concat
will return a value:
take 10 . concat $ repeat [1,2,3]
λ 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1]
take 10 . concatFoldl $ repeat [1,2,3]
λ Interrupted.
This is one of the more subtle examples of how functions with the same type can differ in their behavior.
These examples show two different ways that functions with the same type can behave differently. When we’re working a type that is concrete enough to allow us to construct new values, we have the option of constructing arbitrary values instead of using the inputs that were provided to us. When we’re working with types that have structure or support operations that might lead to us doing recursion or pattern matching, then we introduce the possibility of infinite recursion, partial pattern matches, and generally having functions that behave differently in various edge cases.
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The final example we need to evaluate is the id
function. Like concat
is defined in Prelude
so you’ll need to either name your function something
differently, or add import Prelude hiding (id)
after your module declaration
if you want to follow along.
As with our earlier solutions, let’s start out with the obvious implementation:
id :: a -> a
id a = a
Like swap
, we don’t have enough information to do any meaningful computation
on the value that’s passed in, and there’s no obvious implementation that puts
us at risk of accidentally raising an error or infinitely recursing.
Where id
differs from swap
is that we have even fewer options for how we
might implement this function. The tuple that was passed into swap
gave us
some structure, and some choices between pattern matching for calling functions
like fst
and snd
. By comparison, id
gives us zero information about the
input, and so it leaves us with nothing productive we can do other than
returning that value.
We could, of course, create some useless intermediate values, but we couldn’t
return them since the type of id
resticts what we can return. Thanks to lazy
evaluation, any intermediate values that aren’t used won’t be computed, so they
aren’t likely to even change the unobservable behavior of the function.
Filling In Type Holes
Consider the following example code:
mapApply :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
mapApply toApply concatMap (\input -> map ($ input) toApply)
example :: [Int] -> String
= mapApply undefined
example where
letters :: [Char]
= ['a'..'z']
lookupLetter :: Int -> Char
= letters !! n
lookupLetter n
offsets :: [Int -> Int]
= [rot13, swap10, mixupVowels]
rot13 :: Int -> Int
= (n + 13) `rem` 26
rot13 n
swap10 :: Int -> Int
swap10 n| n <= 10 = n + 10
| n <= 20 = n - 10
| otherwise = n
mixupVowels :: Int -> Int
mixupVowels n case n of
0 -> 8
4 -> 14
8 -> 20
14 -> 0
20 -> 4
-> n' n'
Try to fill in the value of undefined
so that you get the following output:
λ example ["spftqgurhvsuwtjxukyblzcmadnbeacfp"
Use type holes to help you figure out the type of the value that you’ll need to use.
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The goal of this exercise is to understand how to use undefined
and type holes
to work with code without necessarily needing to understand the implementation
of particular functions. In this exercise, focus on using the functions that
have already been defined for you by looking at their types. You should be able
to complete this exercise without working through the exact algorithm that’s
being used to transform the input into an output string.
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If you replace undefined
with a type hole, the compiler will tell you what
type you should pass to mapApply
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Replacing undefined
with a type hole shows you that the argument to mapApply
should have the type [Int -> Char]
. Although none of the where
bindings have
precisely that type, notice that:
is a list of functions, although they returnInt
is the only function that returns aChar
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If you’re still having trouble, try writing down some of what you know and
adding narrower type holes. In this case, let’s see if we can make any progress
by using map
to transform offsets
into the type of function we need to pass
into mapApply
= mapApply $ map _ offsets
:8:26: error: …
FillingInTypeHoles.hsFound hole: _ :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Char
• In the first argument of ‘map’, namely ‘_’
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘map _ offsets’
In the expression: mapApply $ map _ offsets
Relevant bindings include
• lookupLetter :: Int -> Char
(bound at letters :: [Char]
(bound at offsets :: [Int -> Int]
(bound at rot13 :: Int -> Int
(bound at swap10 :: Int -> Int
(bound at mixupVowels :: Int -> Int
(bound at Some bindings suppressed; use -fmax-relevant-binds=N or -fno-max-relevant-binds)
Compilation failed.
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Although the solution to this exercise is fairly straightforward, but the process of finding the solution can help us learn how to work with types more effectively. Let’s take a look at the answer, then work through how we got there:
= mapApply $ map (lookupLetter .) offsets example
So, how can we figure this out without resorting to working through the actual implementation details of the algorith? Let’s start at the beginning:
mapApply :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
mapApply toApply concatMap (\input -> map ($ input) toApply)
example :: [Int] -> String
= mapApply undefined
example where
letters :: [Char]
= ['a'..'z']
lookupLetter :: Int -> Char
= letters !! n
lookupLetter n
offsets :: [Int -> Int]
= [rot13, swap10, mixupVowels]
rot13 :: Int -> Int
= (n + 13) `rem` 26
rot13 n
swap10 :: Int -> Int
swap10 n| n <= 10 = n + 10
| n <= 20 = n - 10
| otherwise = n
mixupVowels :: Int -> Int
mixupVowels n case n of
0 -> 8
4 -> 14
8 -> 20
14 -> 0
20 -> 4
-> n' n'
When we have a problem like this, the first thing we can do is to start figuring out what types we’re working with. You’ll sometimes hear this process being called “type tetris” because you’re trying to fit the types together.
is a good starting point for this problem. Although it’s written as a
polymorphic function, we know that example
is returning a String
. That tells
us that, in our call to mapApply
we’re setting [b]
to String
. Since
is the same as [Char]
, we can see that b
must be Char
. Let’s
re-write the type with this information:
mapApply :: [a -> Char] -> [a] -> [Char]
We can follow the same process of elimination to figure out what type we’ll be
using for a
, but we’re going to have to do a little guessing. In theory we
could ignore list of numbers we’re being passed in to example
, and ignore all
of the functions defined in the where
clause, but it seems unlikely that we’re
intended to ignore all of that and instead pass in some other type. Given the
evidence at hand, let’s take a guess and try using Int
in place of a
mapApply :: [Int -> Char] -> [Int] -> [Char]
This seems like it could be reasonable. Let’s see what the compiler thinks. One
option would be to change the type of mapApply
and see our program still
compiles. That approach would work for a small example like this, but in a
larger codebase we might not be able to change the type without breaking code
elsewhere, so let’s use a type hole at the call site instead:
= mapApply _ example
If we try to compile this, or load it up into ghci
, we’ll see that the
compiler tells us that our guess was exactly right. The first argument to
should be [Int -> Char]
, meaning a
must be Int
and b
must be
:8:20: error: …
FillingInTypeHoles.hsFound hole: _ :: [Int -> Char]
• In the first argument of ‘mapApply’, namely ‘_’ •
Great! So far, so good, but if we look at the functions we have available to us,
none of them have exactly the right type. The closest option that we have is
, which has the type [Int -> Int]
We might not be able to pass offsets
directly, but maybe we can do something
with it to make it fit the right shape. Let’s try asking the compiler. We’ll
once again use a type hole, but this time we’ll use the type hole to figure out
what we should apply offsets
to so that we can get a function with the type we
= mapApply $ _ offsets example
In this version of our code, the type hole represents some function that’s
accepting offsets
as an argument and returning a value of the correct
type. Let’s compile this version and see what the type of that function should
:9:22: error: …
FillingInTypeHoles.hsFound hole: _ :: [Int -> Int] -> [Int -> Char]
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘_ offsets’ •
This time the type hole wasn’t quite as helpful- it’s only restated what we
already knew. Still, we might be able to use this output to help us move
forward. The compiler has reminded us that we need something that can turn a
list of one type into a list of a different type. In other worse, we should try
using map
= mapApply $ map _ offsets example
We’ve still got a type hole, but we’re slowly narrowing in on the right code. Let’s ask the compiler for help again:
:9:26: error: …
FillingInTypeHoles.hsFound hole: _ :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Char
• In the first argument of ‘map’, namely ‘_’
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘map _ offsets’
In the expression: mapApply $ map _ offsets
Now we’re making a little more progress. Our type hole is giving us some more
information about what we should pass to map
. We need to pass in something
that can take a function with the type (Int -> Int)
along with some particular
and return a Char
. Looking all of our where
bindings, lookupLetter
is the only function that returns a Char
. The question now is, how should we
use lookupLetter
? Let’s start by adding a new function to our where
mapFunc :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Char
= undefined mapFunc f n
We can try to use type holes here, but they aren’t like to give us a lot of new information since we have a good sense of what types we’re working with. We just need to figure out how to put them together.
One option would be to go completely minimal. We have an Int
value, and we
need a Char
. We already have a function that does that. Maybe we can ignore
the function we’re being passed and just call lookupLetter
example :: [Int] -> String
= mapApply $ map mapFunc offsets
example where
mapFunc :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Char
= lookupLetter n
mapFunc f n
-- ...
Our program will compile and run this way, but as you might expect it gives us the wrong output:
λ example ["fffggghhhiiijjjkkklllmmmnnnoooppp"
We should probably use the function that’s being passed in. There’s only one way
that we can write this so that it will type check. We need to pass an Int
, and the only Int
we have is n
. f
returns an Int
, and the only thing
we can do with it is pass it to lookupLetters
. Let’s give it a try:
example :: [Int] -> String
= mapApply $ map mapFunc offsets
example where
mapFunc :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Char
= lookupLetter (f n)
mapFunc f n
-- ...
Let’s give this a try:
λ example ["spftqgurhvsuwtjxukyblzcmadnbeacfp"
Success! Following the types, along with a little intuition, has let us finish
implementing our application without needing to delve too deeply into the
implementation details. Before we move on, let’s take a moment to do a little
refactoring. Our current version of mapFunc
is simply passing the output of
one function into another. As you might recall, we can do that using function
composition. We can use eta reduction to remove the explicit n
parameter at
the same time that we add function composition:
= lookupLetter . f mapFunc f
Now that we’ve factored out n
and we’re using function composition, you might
notice that we can eta reduce our function again to remove f
= (lookupLetter .) mapFunc
At this point, we may as well move the definition of mapFunc
to it’s call
site. That leaves us with a final refactored version that looks like this:
mapApply :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
mapApply toApply concatMap (\input -> map ($ input) toApply)
example :: [Int] -> String
= mapApply $ map (lookupLetter .) offsets
example where
letters :: [Char]
= ['a'..'z']
lookupLetter :: Int -> Char
= letters !! n
lookupLetter n
offsets :: [Int -> Int]
= [rot13, swap10, mixupVowels]
rot13 :: Int -> Int
= (n + 13) `rem` 26
rot13 n
swap10 :: Int -> Int
swap10 n| n <= 10 = n + 10
| n <= 20 = n - 10
| otherwise = n
mixupVowels :: Int -> Int
mixupVowels n case n of
0 -> 8
4 -> 14
8 -> 20
14 -> 0
20 -> 4
-> n' n'