Building A Trace Tool
Building A Trace Tool
In this chapter we focused on building a file archival tool, but many of the ideas you learned here are applicable to other domains as well. Another area you could use existential types is in building a tool to collect a trace of function calls.
Consider this example:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module CallTrace where
import Text.Printf
data TraceData -- fill me in
newtype Trace -- fill me in
emptyTrace :: Trace
= undefined
traceCall :: (Show a, Show b)
=> String
-> (a -> (Trace, b))
-> a
-> (Trace, b)
= undefined
showTrace :: Trace -> String
= undefined
factor :: Int -> (Trace, [Int])
factor n "factor" factor' (n, 2)
traceCall where
factor' :: (Int, Int) -> (Trace, [Int])
factor' (num, curFact)| num == 1 = (emptyTrace, [])
| (num `mod` curFact) == 0 =
let nextNumber = num `div` curFact
= "consFactor " <> show curFact
message = traceCall message factor' (nextNumber, curFact)
(trace, results) in (trace, curFact : results)
| otherwise =
let nextFactor = curFact + 1
in traceCall "skipFactor" factor' (num, nextFactor)
verboseFactor :: Int -> IO ()
= do
verboseFactor n let (trace, factors) = factor n
putStrLn "factors: "
print factors
putStrLn "trace: "
putStrLn (showTrace trace)
Try to implement the missing pieces so that your program compiles and gives you some appropriate output. Here are a couple of examples so that you can test your own code:
λ verboseFactor 3
stack depth: 3
factor (3,2) => [3]
skipFactor (3,3) => [3]
consFactor 3 (1,3) => []
λ verboseFactor 1080
stack depth: 11
factor (1080,2) => [2,2,2,3,3,3,5]
consFactor 2 (540,2) => [2,2,3,3,3,5]
consFactor 2 (270,2) => [2,3,3,3,5]
consFactor 2 (135,2) => [3,3,3,5]
skipFactor (135,3) => [3,3,3,5]
consFactor 3 (45,3) => [3,3,5]
consFactor 3 (15,3) => [3,5]
consFactor 3 (5,3) => [5]
skipFactor (5,4) => [5]
skipFactor (5,5) => [5]
consFactor 5 (1,5) => []
Hint 1
Some high level hint text
Hint 2
Some more detailed hint text
Hint 3
Even more detailed hint text
A complete solution for the exercise