Reversing A List With Folds

Reversing a List with Folds

It’s possible to easily implement a reverse function using folds. Try to implement a function that will reverse a list using both foldl and foldr. Which one is simpler? why? Might one be more efficient than the other?


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Reversing a list is really just creating a new list one element at a time so that by the time you’re done adding elements, the final list is in the reverse order. For both of your folds, the initial accumulator value should be an empty list.

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Regardless of the fold you are using, the general shape of the solution will look something like this:

reverseFold = fold insertElem []

The definition of insertElem will different depending on the fold you are using.

Remember: For a left fold, you’ll add new elements to the list from first to last. For a right fold, you’ll be adding elements from last to first.

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Imagine that you want to reverse the list [1,2,3]. You could rewrite thestarting list more explicitly as:

1 : 2 : 3 : []

The reversed version of that list is [3,2,1] or, more explicitly:

3 : 2 : 1 : []

For a left fold the first call to insertElem will pass in the starting accumulator and the first value of the list:

insertElem 1 []

The second call will pass in the next value, and the previous accumulator, and so on. For our list [1,2,3] the calls will end up looking like this:

insertElem 3 $
  insertElem 2 $
    insertElem 1 []

Try to compare that to the shape of our reversed list and see if you can spot a function you already know that would do that. You might need to consider reversing the order of arguments of that function.


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Reversing a list using a foldl can be done by prepending each new element to the front of the new list. Since foldl is left-associative, we’ll start with the first element of our old list. Adding each new element to the beginning of the reversed list means we’ll finish by adding the final element of the original list to the beginning of the new list. Following the pattern from the earlier hint, we could a solution like this:

reverseLeft = foldl insertElem []
  where insertElem reversed a = a : reversed

Alternatively, we can use the flip function to make this a bit more compact. Remember that flip just flips the arguments of a function:

flip f b a = f a b

Our foldl version of insertElem is just a flipped version of (:), so we can rewrite our reverse function as:

reverseLeft = foldl (flip (:)) []

We can also reverse a list using foldr but this will be less efficient. Since foldr is right associative, we start adding elements from the end of the input list. That means each new element we process needs to be added to the end of our accumulated list:

reverseRight = foldr insertElem []
    insertElem a reversed = reversed <> [a]

This is less efficient because we have to walk through the entire reversed list for every item we add, so that we can insert new items at the end.