Understanding Functions by Their Type

Understanding Functions By Their Type

The behavior of the following functions from base can be easily predicted based on their type. Review the type of each of these functions and try to guess at how they are implemented. Use ghci to see if you were right. Are there other ways you could have implemented them? Why or why not?


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Remember that, without any other information, you can’t create a value for a general polymorphic type like a or b since you don’t know what type of value you should create.


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The swap function has a straightforward implementation that closely resembles it’s type. Let’s start by taking a look at the simplest implementation:

swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap (a,b) = (b,a)

In the exercise, you were asked to consider whether or not there were other ways you could have implemented swap. It’s trivially true to write this function using different code. For example, we can use fst and snd instead of pattern matching, or use let bindings:

swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap input =
    newFirstElem = snd input
    newSecondElem = fst input
  in (newFirstElem, newSecondElem)

The question then is: are these two implementations really different? They are obviously implemented in different ways, but in Haskell we prefer to reason about functions based on their inputs and outputs. This newer version of swap doesn’t change the behavior compared to our original implementation, so for the sake of this exercise, and for the sake of discussion in most cases, we’d say these are the same function.

The next question then is, can we write a version of swap that behaves differently? The answer is no, not really. We could make a version of the function that crashes, or enters some infinite recursion and never returns a value, but those errors wouldn’t arise naturally from any of the obvious implementations, so we’ll ignore them for now.

If you stop to think about it, you can start to understand why. The input to swap is a tuple that contains two values with types a and b. We have to return a tuple with two values, whose types are b and a. We can’t return the tuple elements in their original order, or ignore one element and duplicate the other, since a and b are different types. We have to return one of each, and in the correct order. Since a and b could be anything, we can’t create a new value for them (what value would we create?). The only way to return a value of type a is to use the one that was given to us. Same for values of type b.

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Like swap, there’s an obvious definition of concat that we can start with. Since concat is part of Prelude if you are following along you’ll need to either name your function something else, like myConcat, or you’ll need to add this to the top of your source file, after the module line:

import Prelude hiding (concat)

The first place your mind might go when writing concat is a manually recursive version of the function:

concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat [] = []
concat (x:xs) = x <> concat xs

Alternatively, you might choose to use foldr to write your version:

concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat = foldr (<>) []

Just like with swap, these two versions of concat will behave the same way, so we’ll say that for our purposes, they are the same function. Unlike with swap, there are also several other definitions of concat that would typecheck, but could return very different results. Let’s look at a couple of examples.

One easy alternative would be to ignore our input and always return an empty list:

concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat _ = []

Since lists can be empty, we can construct a value of type [a] without needing to be able to create an arbitrary value of type a. Similarly, there are some operations we can do on lists that we can’t do on arbitrary values of type a. For example, we can write a version of concat that returns the first list:

concatReturnFirst :: [[a]] -> [a]
concatReturnFirst [] = []
concatReturnFirst (x:_) = x

There are some other choices available to us as well, like returning the concatenated list backwards, or returning the longest sublist:

concatReverse :: [[a]] -> [a]
concatReverse = reverse . foldr (<>) []

concatLongest :: [[a]] -> [a]
concatLongest = foldr getLongest []
    getLongest subList currentLongest
      | length subList > length currentLongest = subList
      | otherwise = currentLongest

All of these examples return substantially different values than the original concat, even though they have the same type. There’s a more subtle type of difference that we should also consider. In the last part of this exercise we looked at swap and noted that we could have written a version of swap that simply crashed or never returned a value. At the time, we didn’t bother to think about that much, since it was unlikely that we’d run into the problem. With concat it’s much more likely. For example, imagine that we implemented concat using foldl:

concatFoldl :: [[a]] -> [a]
concatFoldl = foldl (<>) []

For finite lists, this will work exactly the same as our foldr version:

λ concat [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]

λ concatFoldl [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]

If we’re working with infinite lists though, only the foldr based concat will return a value:

λ take 10 . concat $ repeat [1,2,3]

λ take 10 . concatFoldl $ repeat [1,2,3]

This is one of the more subtle examples of how functions with the same type can differ in their behavior.

These examples show two different ways that functions with the same type can behave differently. When we’re working a type that is concrete enough to allow us to construct new values, we have the option of constructing arbitrary values instead of using the inputs that were provided to us. When we’re working with types that have structure or support operations that might lead to us doing recursion or pattern matching, then we introduce the possibility of infinite recursion, partial pattern matches, and generally having functions that behave differently in various edge cases.

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The final example we need to evaluate is the id function. Like concat this is defined in Prelude so you’ll need to either name your function something differently, or add import Prelude hiding (id) after your module declaration if you want to follow along.

As with our earlier solutions, let’s start out with the obvious implementation:

id :: a -> a
id a = a

Like swap, we don’t have enough information to do any meaningful computation on the value that’s passed in, and there’s no obvious implementation that puts us at risk of accidentally raising an error or infinitely recursing.

Where id differs from swap is that we have even fewer options for how we might implement this function. The tuple that was passed into swap gave us some structure, and some choices between pattern matching for calling functions like fst and snd. By comparison, id gives us zero information about the input, and so it leaves us with nothing productive we can do other than returning that value.

We could, of course, create some useless intermediate values, but we couldn’t return them since the type of id resticts what we can return. Thanks to lazy evaluation, any intermediate values that aren’t used won’t be computed, so they aren’t likely to even change the unobservable behavior of the function.