Adding a Default Null Test

Adding a Default Null Test

Add a new Eq constraint to the definition of Nullable:

class Eq a => Nullable a

With this change in place, create a default implementation of isNull.


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Remember that your default implementation can refer to other functions defined by the typeclass.

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With the Eq constraint, you can compare values of type a using (==).

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A value is null if it’s equal to null.


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This exercise asks us to add an Eq constraint to Nullable and use that to allow us to write a default definition of isNull. This is a pretty small change on it’s own:

class Eq a => Nullable a where
  isNull :: a -> Bool
  isNull = (== null)

  null :: a

Unfortunately, changing this definition of our class to add the extra constraint means that we also need to update most of our instances as well:

module EffectiveHaskell.Exercises.Chapter6.DefaultNull where
import Prelude hiding (null)

class Eq a => Nullable a where
  isNull :: a -> Bool
  isNull = (== null)
  null :: a

instance Nullable a => Nullable (Maybe a) where
  isNull Nothing = True
  isNull (Just a) = isNull a
  null = Nothing

instance (Nullable a, Nullable b) => Nullable (a,b) where
  isNull (a,b) = isNull a && isNull b
  null = (null, null)

instance Eq a => Nullable [a] where
  isNull [] = True
  isNull _ = False
  null = []

The extra constraint doesn’t impact how we’re writing our instances, but it does mean that we won’t be able to use the instances in some cases. For example, before adding the constraint we could use isNull to see whether or not we had an empty list of functions, but functions don’t have an Eq instance, so we won’t be able to do that anymore. In some cases the additional restriction would be fine, but it limits the ways that people can use our typeclasses, and doing so unnecessarily can make our code less reusable. Let’s look at a couple of other approaches we could have used that offer more flexibility.

Defaulting with a Helper

In this example, our motivation for adding an Eq constraint to the definition of Nullable was so that we could provide a default implementation of isNull. There’s a common alternative that gives us almost as much ease-of-use with a lot more flexibility: helper functions. Let’s start looking at how they work by creating a new function called isNullHelper:

isNullHelper :: (Eq a, Nullable a) => a -> Bool
isNullHelper = (== null)

This function puts the same constraints on a that we would have in the default isNull implementation we wrote, but it lives outside of the type class. That means that we can drop the constraint at the type class level, but make use of it for particular instances when it makes sense. Let’s look at a concrete example. First, we’ll return to our original definition of Nullable:

class Nullable a where
  isNull :: a -> Bool
  null :: a

Next, let’s take a look at how we might use our new helper function. We’ll start by revisiting our Nullable instance for [a]. In our original definition of isNull for lists, we didn’t look at the values inside of the list at all- only whether the list itself was empty. That makes the definition of isNull for lists a good candidate to use the isNullHelper function we’ve just added. Unfortunately, we can only test lists for equality if we can test the elements inside the lists for equality, so we’ll still need our Eq constraint:

instance Eq a => Nullable [a] where
  isNull = isNullHelper
  null = []

As you can see, although we no longer have a default definition for isNull, we’re able to use the helper function so that it’s very easy to write a new instance. This also gives us the flexibility to define instances that work differently and don’t need an equality constraint. For example, let’s take a look at the instance for Maybe:

instance Nullable a => Nullable (Maybe a) where
  isNull Nothing = True
  isNull (Just a) = isNull a
  null = Nothing

In this example we’re not actually testing for equality at all. If we do have a value, we defer to whatever definition of isNull is provided by a.

This approach gives us some flexibility around the constraints on instances of our typeclass, while still saving someone work in the common case that they can rely on equality testing. It’s not without drawbacks though. The main drawback is that someone using our module might be confused and try to call isNullHelper directly, even when it’s behavior would differ from the definition of isNull. That could be a source of bugs. There’s another option that we can use, but it requires that we add a new language extension.

Using DefaultSignatures

The DefaultSignatures extension gives us another way to solve the problem. In this chapter you saw how this extension allows you to add a default value to a typeclass that has narrower constraints than the type defined by the class. In this case, we can use the extension to provide a default implementation of isNull only when the Nullable value has an Eq instance. Let’s take a look:

{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
module EffectiveHaskell.Exercises.Chapter6.DefaultSignaturesNull where
import Prelude hiding (null)

class Nullable a where
  isNull :: a -> Bool

  default isNull :: Eq a => a -> Bool
  isNull = (== null)
  null :: a

With DefaultSignatures enabled we’re able to add a default definition of isNull that works by comparing the input value to null, just like isNullHelper from our earlier example. Like our other examples, we can still create instances that provide a definition of isNull. If the type we’re defining a Nullable instance for doesn’t have an instance of Eq we’re required to provide on:

instance (Nullable a, Nullable b) => Nullable (a,b) where
  isNull (a,b) = isNull a && isNull b
  null = (null, null)

If, on the other hand, we do have an Eq constraint then we’re free to provide our own definition of isNull:

instance (Eq a, Nullable a) => Nullable (Maybe a) where
  isNull Nothing = True
  isNull (Just a) = isNull a
  null = Nothing

Alternatively, we can use the default version:

instance Eq a => Nullable [a] where
  null = []

In the last exercise you saw that we were able to avoid having an Eq instance when we defined isNull for lists thanks to pattern matching. To use the default instance, we need to add it. This is a good example of the tradeoffs that you’ll want to think about when defining default instances. Ideally, if you’re using DefaultSignatures to add constraints to the default implementation of a function, you’ll be adding common constraints that well come “for free” for at least some implementations.