Writing Typeclass Representing Emptiness

Writing Typeclass Representing Emptiness

Imagine that we wanted to create a typeclass that represents things that can be “empty” for some definition of empty that will depend on the particular type. In this exercise we’ll call the typeclass Nullable and give it two functions:

module Nullable where
import Prelude hiding (null)

class Nullable a where
  isNull :: a -> Bool
  null :: a

Create instances of this typeclass for:

  1. Any Maybe a where a is Nullable
  2. Any tuple, (a,b) where a and b are Nullable
  3. Any list type


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There’s more than one way to create an instance for Maybe a. You can pick whichever definition you like.

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Remember: for a type like Maybe a if you want to use null or isNull for the type a you’ll need to ensure that a has a Nullable instance.

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In the instance that you define for Maybe a you can ensure a has a Nullable instance like this:

instance Nullable a => Nullable (Maybe a) where
  -- the body of the instance goes here


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The first part of our exercise presents us with a problem that has more than one solution. We’re asked to write an instance of Nullable for a Maybe value. One obvious solution to this problem would be to treat Nothing as a null value, and a Just value as non-null:

instance Nullable (Maybe a) where
  isNull Nothing = True
  isNull _ = False

  null = Nothing

Technically this solution solves the question as asked. Although we don’t require that a be nullable, there’s nothing to stop the instance from working in cases where it is nullable. Still, this isn’t really in the spirit of the question, so let’s dig in a bit more. Let’s start by adding the constraint, then we can figure out what to do with it:

instance Nullable a => Nullable (Maybe a) where
  isNull Nothing = True
  isNull _ = False

  null = Nothing

Now that we’ve added the constraint, we can use isNull and null for a. One way we can take advantage of this is by being more permissive about what we consider a null value. Let’s take another pass at this implementation:

instance Nullable a => Nullable (Maybe a) where
  isNull Nothing = True
  isNull (Just a) = isNull a

  null = Nothing

This version of our instance lets us account for the fact that even if we have a Just value, it might be something that’s still empty.

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The next part of the exercise asks us to write a Nullable instance for a tuple. Unlike the Maybe instance we wrote earlier, tuple’s don’t have any default value that naturally maps to being empty. Instead, we’ll need to fall back to the definitions of both a and b. Let’s take a look:

instance (Nullable a, Nullable b) => Nullable (a,b) where
  isNull (a,b) = isNull a && isNull b
  null = (null, null)

In this example, we’re considering a tuple to be null if both elements of the tuple are null. This tells us both how to create a new null tuple, and how to test to see if an existing tuple is null.

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The final part of this exercise asks us to write an instance that will work for any list type. This problem is complementary to the instance we wrote for Maybe. Although we could have written an instance for Maybe a that didn’t require a to be nullable, we opted to add that requirement so that we could identify cases where we had a Just null value. For our list instance, we are asked to create a version that works for any a whether it’s Nullable or not. Let’s take a look:

instance Nullable [a] where
  isNull [] = True
  isNull _ = False

  null = []

Since we have no guarantee that a has a Nullable instance, we can’t consider its value when we’re thinking about what might constitute a null list. With only the shape of the list to consider, the only sensible choice is to make null and empty list. Thanks to pattern matching, we can write a version of isNull that doesn’t require an Eq instance for a.