Building a Command Line Calculator
Building A Command Line Calculator
First, Write a program that reads in numbers from the command line and prints the sum of the provided values.
Next, Modify the program so that the first argument is an operation (+
, -
or *
) and performs the supplied operation on the list of numbers.
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Remember that you can get the command line arguments with the getArgs
from System.Environment
. You can test programs that use getArgs
in ghci
using the withArgs
function. For example, let’s write a function that prints
out all of the arguments passed in:
printArgs :: IO ()
= getArgs >>= print printArgs
We can load this up in ghci
and test it with withArgs
by passing in a list
of the arguments that getArgs
should return:
"hello", " ", "world"] printArgs
λ withArgs ["hello"," ","world"] [
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You’ll need to use read
to convert the String
values that getArgs
into numbers that you can add together.
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You can pattern match while getting a value from an IO action in do
notation. For example, if you wanted to get the first argument, and the
remaining arguments, you can write:
:rest) <- getArgs (first
Let’s look at an example where we print out the first argument, then the remaining arguments:
printArgs :: IO ()
= do
printArgs :rest) <- getArgs
(firstputStrLn $ "first: " <> first
putStrLn $ "rest: " <> show rest
This works as long as we pass in at least one argument:
"first"] printArgs
λ withArgs [: first
first: []
"first", "second", "third"] printArgs
λ withArgs [: first
first: ["second","third"] rest
But be careful! Like all pattern matching, this is partial and will fail if we don’t pass in any arguments:
> withArgs [] printArgs
λ*** Exception: user error (Pattern match failure in 'do' block at ...)
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This exercise asks us to solve two different problems: First, we’d like to add up all of the numbers passed in as command line arguments, next we’d like to let the user pick an operation other than addition. We’ll take this solution in two parts. First, let’s work on simply adding up the numbers passed in as command line arguments.
To do this, we’ll need to:
- get the command line arguments
- conver them to numbers
- add the list of numbers
- print it out
There are a couple of ways to solve this. One choice we’ll need to make is
whether we’d like to use (>>=)
or do
notation. Let’s look at both options,
starting with (>>=)
. We can write a short point-free implementation of this
function as a one-liner:
runBind :: IO ()
= getArgs >>= print . sum . map read runBind
This is a fairly idiomatic way to write the function, but if you find point-free
code hard to read, we can refactor this a bit to add some intermediate bindings
that might make it more readable. First, we can factor out the pure code that
transforms the list of strings we get from getArgs
into the sum that we want
to display:
runBind :: IO ()
= getArgs >>= print . sumInputs
runBind where
= sum $ map read inputs sumInputs inputs
We’re still composing print
with sumInputs
in this example. If you want to
go another step, we can add another binding for printing out the results of
summing the inputs:
runBind :: IO ()
= getArgs >>= showSum
runBind where
= sum $ map read inputs
sumInputs inputs = print $ sumInputs inputs showSum inputs
Alternatively, we can stop using (>>=)
and, instead use do
notation. Let’s
take a look at a similar implementation built around do
runDo :: IO ()
= do
runDo <- getArgs
arguments let sumOfArgs = sum $ map read arguments
print sumOfArgs
You’ll notice in this example that do
notation tends to encourage a somewhat
more explicit style of programming with more named bindings and less
composition. You can choose whichever style you prefer. For the next part of
this exercise, we’ll stick do
Building a version of our program that allows the user to select an operation isn’t much more difficult conceptually than supporting only addition, but the code we need to write will be more complicated due to additional error handling. Let’s take a look at the program, and then walk through how it works:
runCalculator :: IO ()
= do
runCalculator <- getArgs
args case args of
-> putStrLn argsError
[] -> putStrLn argsError
[_] :numStrs) ->
(opcase getOperation op of
Just f ->
let nums = map read numStrs
in print $ f nums
Nothing -> putStrLn $ opError op
argsError "Missing arg(s). Need an operator and at least 1 number"
opError op <> " - Unrecognized Operator. Please use one of +,*,-,/"
op =
getOperation op case op of
"+" -> Just sum
"*" -> Just product
"-" -> Just $ foldl1 (-)
"/" -> Just $ foldl1 div
-> Nothing _
In the earlier versions of our program, after getting the arguments we
immediately converted them to numbers, then added them up. Now, we need to deal
with a number of different error cases. The first thing we do in this version of
our program is to check the arguments to make sure that we have gotten at least
two arguments- one operator and at least one number. If we’ve gotten the right
number of arguments, then we need to check that the first argument is an
operator that we know how to handle. If it is, we return a function that applies
that operator to the remainder of our inputs. Otherwise, we return Nothing
You’ll notice that we’re using the foldl1
function for subtraction and
division. This is a useful helper function that behaves similarly to foldl
but it uses the first element of the list as the starting accumulator value.
Once we know that we’ve got a valid operator, the last step is to convert the
remainder of our inputs to numbers, and then apply our operator. Let’s load this
up in ghci
and see how it works:
-- Normal Operations
"+", "1", "2", "3"] runCalculator
λ withArgs [6
"-", "5", "1", "1"] runCalculator
λ withArgs [3
"*", "2", "3", "5"] runCalculator
λ withArgs [30
"/", "1024", "2", "2", "2"] runCalculator
λ withArgs [128
-- Insufficient Arguments
λ withArgs [] runCalculatorMissing arg(s). Need an operator and at least 1 number
"+"] runCalculator
λ withArgs [Missing arg(s). Need an operator and at least 1 number
-- Invalid operator
"^", "2", "3"] runCalculator
λ withArgs [^ - Unrecognized Operator. Please use one of +,*,-,/
Later on in the book, you’ll learn some ways to handle errors more effectively, and with less verbosity.