Thinking about IO Types

Thinking About IO Types

This problem is presented in three parts. Hints and solutions are provided for each part individually, so that you can get hints or view the solution to one problem without seeing the solution to the others.

The Type of Nested IO Actions

Write a function that returns a value of type IO (IO String). What happens if you try to use (>>=) with that? What if you want to print the string?


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Remember the types of return and >>=:

return :: Monad m => a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
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Keep in mind that when you see type variables like m a that a can be any type, including IO String.


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The easiest way to intentionally create a value with the type IO (IO String) is to use return twice:

doubleIO :: IO (IO String)
doubleIO = return $ return "hello"

In practice though, you probably won’t create values like this on purpose. You’re more likely to create a value with a type like IO (IO String) on accident by using return with a call to a function that already returns an IO action. For example:

returnRead :: IO (IO String)
returnRead = return $ readFile "/tmp/example"

However we end up with the value, if we want to use (>>=) with a nested IO action, it’s important to realize that we’ll only be dealing with the outer layer of IO. To understand what that means, let’s take a look at the type of (>>=):

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

Next, let’s replace the type variables with our own types to help get a better idea of what’s happening. In our case, m will become the outer IO of our nested IO action, and a will be the inner IO action with the type IO String. If we substitute these types in for the type variables we’ll end up with:

(>>=) :: IO (IO String) -> (IO String -> IO b) -> IO b

You’ll notice that we still have a type variable, b. Importantly, that means we can use (>>=) with any function that returns an IO action, not necessarily only nested IO actions. This is important when we look at the last part of our question: how should we print a value inside of a nested IO action, like IO (IO String).

Let’s start by looking at one solution, then we’ll step back a bit to untangle how and why it works:

printNestedIO :: IO (IO String) -> IO ()
printNestedIO = (>>= (>>= putStrLn))

At first glance this is pretty hard to read! The only thing that’s apparent is that we’re calling (>>=) twice- which isn’t entirely unsurprising since we’re dealing with two nested layers of IO, but it’s not entirely readable either.

Part of the problem is that we’ve gone a bit too far with making our code entirely point-free. Let’s change this by adding a variable to hold our nested IO action:

printNestedIO :: IO (IO String) -> IO ()
printNestedIO nestedIO = nestedIO >>= (>>= putStrLn)

This is a little better, but it’s still kind of hard to read. Let’s replace (>>= putStrLn) with a helper function:

printNestedIO :: IO (IO String) -> IO ()
printNestedIO nestedIO = nestedIO >>= go
    go :: IO String -> IO ()
    go ioString = ioString >>= putStrLn

That’s more readable! This refactored version of our code helps make it a bit more apparent what’s happening. We can read this version of our code in two parts. First, the outer part:

printNestedIO nestedIO = nestedIO >>= go

In this function we’re working with the outer IO action. In our call to (>>=) we can fill in the relevant type variables to see this:

(>>=) :: m  (a        ) -> (a         -> m  b ) -> m b
       = IO (IO String) -> (IO String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
m :: IO
a :: IO String
m a :: IO (IO String)
b :: ()
m b :: IO ()

Going down a level, the helper function go is how we handle our inner IO action. Let’s once again fill in the types for our call to (>>=):

(>>=) :: m  a      -> (a      -> m  b ) -> m b
       = IO String -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
m :: IO
a :: String
m a :: IO String
b :: ()
m b :: IO ()

This inner function does the work of taking our string and printing it out. In the next section

A Function From Nested IO Actions

Using your function from the previous example, create a function that has the type signature: IO (IO a) -> IO a.


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In the last part of this exercise, you wrote a function to print a value with the type IO (IO String). Think about how you can generalize this to returning the value rather than printing it.


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Although this problem might seem puzzling at first, it turns out that the solution is pretty straightforward, and it will probably look familiar if you’ve already solved the previous part of this problem. Let’s start solving this problem by creating a function called joinIO and leaving the definition undefined:

joinIO :: IO (IO a) -> IO a
joinIO ioAction = undefined

From our experience with IO so far, we know that (>>=) is pretty important, and we’ve seen the last exercise that it gives us a way to get to the inner part of a nested pair of IO actions. It’s clear that we’ll want pass our nested ioAction into (>>=) but what should be on the other side? Let’s try adding a type hole to see if the compiler can help us out:

joinIO :: IO (IO a) -> IO a
joinIO ioAction = ioAction >>= _

If we run this, the compiler will give us some useful information:

src/EffectiveHaskell/Exercises/Chapter7/Join.hs:4:32: error:
Found hole: _ :: IO a -> IO a
      Where: ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
               the type signature for:
                 joinIO :: forall a. IO (IO a) -> IO a
               at /home/rebecca/projects/
In the second argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely ‘_’
      In the expression: ioAction >>= _
      In an equation for ‘joinIO’: joinIO ioAction = ioAction >>= _
Relevant bindings include
        ioAction :: IO (IO a)
          (bound at /home/rebecca/projects/
        joinIO :: IO (IO a) -> IO a
          (bound at /home/rebecca/projects/
      Valid hole fits include
        id :: forall a. a -> a
          with id @(IO a)
          (imported from ‘Prelude’ at /home/rebecca/projects/
           (and originally defined inGHC.Base’))
Compilation failed.

The important part of this message is that we need to fill the type hole we created with something of type IO a -> IO a. Your first reaction might be to write a function with this type as a helper. Let’s call it returnInnerIO:

joinIO :: IO (IO a) -> IO a
joinIO ioAction = ioAction >>= returnInnerIO
    returnInnerIO :: IO a -> IO a
    returnInnerIO a = a >>= return a

This works just as you’d expect, and we can test it out in ghci:

λ :t joinIO (return $ return "hello")
joinIO (return $ return "hello") :: IO String

λ joinIO (return $ return "hello") >>= putStrLn

Even though this works, we’re doing more work than we need to. For one thing, the definition of returnInnerIO is essentially creating a new IO action that runs the first IO action and then returns it’s value. We can skip all of that extra work and simply return a directly:

joinIO :: IO (IO a) -> IO a
joinIO ioAction = ioAction >>= returnInnerIO
    returnInnerIO :: IO a -> IO a
    returnInnerIO a = a

This is a bit better, and you can verify in ghci that it still works as expected, but it turns out that this is still an unnecessary amount of work. You might recognize that returnInnerIO is the same as another function you’ve already seen:

id :: a -> a
id a = a

Remember that when you’re dealing with polymorphic functions like id, they can work on types like IO a just as well as types like Int or String. Let’s do another refactor of our solution to remove returnInnerIO altogether and replace it with id:

joinIO :: IO (IO a) -> IO a
joinIO ioAction = ioAction >>= id

Once again, you can test this out inghci to validate that it’s still working as expected.

If you’re using a linting tool like hlint, or an editor with hlint integration built in, you might notice that there’s one more refactor that we can do. It turns out that we’ve rewritten a standard library function named join. You’ll learn more about join in Chapter 9 of Effective Haskell, but if you want a quick preview, you can see that we can use it in exactly the same way that we’ve been using joinIO:

λ import Control.Monad (join)
λ join (return $ return "hello") >>= putStrLn

Lists of IO Actions

Write a function that returns a value of type [IO a], and a second function with the type [IO a] -> IO [a]. When might you use a function like that?


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Remember, you can make recursive calls inside of IO actions.

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You’ll need to evaluate all of the IO actions before you can return a list with the results.


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It turns out that functions with types like [IO a] -> IO [a] are useful and come up regularly in all sorts of Haskell programs. There are some general purpose functions that you’ll learn about later in the book that will teach you how to work with functions that are a bit more general than what we’ll cover in this exercise. For now, let’s focus on the question at hand. We can write a function called sequenceIO that takes a list of IO actions and returns a single IO action that returns a list with all of the values.

Let’s start with the easiest scenario: If the input is an empty list, we can just return an empty list. The non-empty list case is a bit more complicated, so we’ll leave it undefined for now:

sequenceIO :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
sequenceIO [] = return []
sequenceIO (x:xs) = undefined

In the non-empty case we’ve pattern matched the first IO action out from our list. Let’s ignore the rest of the list for now, and think about how we can return a list with just this element, with the right type. We’ll need to evaluate the IO action, so we’ll probably want to use >>=:

sequenceIO :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
sequenceIO [] = return []
sequenceIO (x:xs) = x >>= \x' -> undefined

In this example, x' will contain the result of evaluating the IO action in x. If we don’t care about the rest of the list, we can simply create a new list that holds this value and return it:

sequenceIO :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
sequenceIO [] = return []
sequenceIO (x:xs) = x >>= \x' -> return [x]

Of course, this will only give us back the first IO action in our list. If we want everything, we’ll need to sequence the rest of the list as well. How should we do that? We know that xs has the type [IO a]. If we recursively pass xs to sequenceIO we can convert that to a type of IO [a]. Let’s add that as a where binding for now, and then think about what to do next:

sequenceIO :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
sequenceIO [] = return []
sequenceIO (x:xs) = x >>= \x' -> return [x']
  where rest = sequenceIO xs

Next, let’s combine the result of our recursive call with x'. To do that, we’ll need to get at the value inside of rest. We can use (>>=) to help us again. Since it will type check whether we do our recursive call first or last, let’s start with rest:

sequenceIO :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
sequenceIO [] = return []
sequenceIO (x:xs) = rest >>= \rest' -> x >>= \x' -> return $ x' : rest'
  where rest = sequenceIO xs
λ> sequenceIO $ map print [1..10]

That doesn’t look quite right! We would have expected our numbers to be printed out in ascending order, but in this test we’re seeing them printed in reverse order. It turns out that our choice to put rest first has a big impact. When we pass rest into (>>=) we have to strictly evaluate the IO action. That means we’re going to

In this example we’re creating a new IO action that first runs the IO action at the head of our list, then recursively runs the IO actions in the remainder of the list. Finally, it returns the result of our initial IO action cons-ed onto the result of the IO action that computes the remainder of the list. It type checks, but let’s load up ghci to see if it actually works.

λ sequenceIO $ map print [1..10]

At first glance, this might be a little confusing. Let’s try it again with some intermediate values to help understand what’s happening:

λ printUpToTen = map print [1..10]
λ :t printUpToTen
printUpToTen :: [IO ()]
λ :t sequenceIO printUpToTen
sequenceIO printUpToTen :: IO [()]
λ sequenceIO printUpToTen

That’s better! Since all of our calls to print are going to return IO (), after calling sequenceIO we’re going to be let with a list of plain () values. When we call sequenceIO we’re first seeing the side effects of each number being printed, and the final line is the value returned by the function, which is a list of () values. Getting back a list of results is a little annoying for examples like this one, where we’re using IO actions entirely for their side effects. Let’s write a helper function that discards the return value. We’ll follow a common Haskell convention and add an underscore suffix at the end of our function name to indicate that it ignores its result:

sequenceIO_ :: [IO a] -> IO ()
sequenceIO_ actions = sequenceIO actions >> return ()

If we test this, you’ll see that ghci helpfully ignores the final () values and works like we’d expect any sort of print-like function to work:

λ sequenceIO_ $ map print [1..10]

So far, so good, but there are a few things worth spending some time on before we finish up this exercise. First, there’s a subtlety in our implementation that we should take some time to investigate fruther. Second, there’s an opportunity to rewrite our code to be much easier to read using do notation.

Remember that whenever we have code like this:

a >>= \b -> doSomethingWith b

We can rewrite it with do notation like this:

  b <- a
  doSomethingWith b

This isn’t always more readable, but it can be really helpful in situations like our implementation of sequenceIO where we need to run two IO actions and get their results before we can move on. Let’s give it a try:

sequenceIO :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
sequenceIO [] = return []
sequenceIO (x:xs) = do
  x' <- x
  xs' <- sequenceIO xs
  return $ x' : xs'